Woke up at 6.30 in the morning..
Went back real late at night after praying
I just slept for 3 and a half hour O.o
Able to get my ass off my bed and prepared
Bf's reached on time and fetch sister to skul together.
Reached uni around 7.20
laying around...
till the senior buddies come to us...
u all are quite early actually
we start at 8.30 sharp XD
Went cafeteria for breakfast
The sandwich taste cold =S
Cafeteria with air-con ...so cold eh
Orientation starts a bit late.
Listen those 'big' people's speech
then introduce this and that
insurance bla bla bla..
Exchange student from countriesss...
Around 10 we have been release
Me and the bf went back immediately instead of joining their gamesss
Im anti-socialize =(
Im afraid of making friends due to some personal reasons.
So this few days im basically have to force myself to reach my hand to them and introduce myself out there...
Happy 19 Birthday for the TING Wan Chien
All the best in tiger year
everything that you wish for =)
Spot me behind
intruder XD
Brother drawing the 5 tigers as greeting cards for cousin =D
All the best in tiger year
everything that you wish for =)

intruder XD
Brother drawing the 5 tigers as greeting cards for cousin =D
Done for the post.
Off to bed and get ready for the 2nd day of O.D
which takes up almost the entire day =S
Off to bed and get ready for the 2nd day of O.D
which takes up almost the entire day =S