Thursday, July 29, 2010


I was studying for my finals few months ago
宝贝bro : 大姐,li dao gor gor 你们要吃什么?
I ordered 龙肉 for me and bf
And i SURE he can's serve me 龙肉.
I just don't want him to disturb us coz we are preparing for our finals.
After a few minutes.
Food served:
宝贝bro : nah 大姐,li dao gor gor ! 你们的龙肉。。

I seriously don't expects he will serve me dino XD
Dino = 恐龙。The 龙 word there XD
Me laugh like mad cow!
a kid's brain is so much better than we teenagers! it is so pure !

see, serve in set summore XD

this one 'double-headed dino' XD
我五体投地! haha

love you bao bei <3