First I wanna great my Daddy Happy Birthday!!
Family always the BEST
They will give you the best they can<3
Daddy act cool geh...
smile a little bit only
smile always ya daddy!!
I know you work so hard..
stress a lot!
worry us so much!
Sometimes is over protected...
Im understand...
Ofcoz I do doubt for sometimes...
But I know you don't want anything bad happen on me by setting those strict 'law'
So thanks ya daddy <3
You work hard for our future I will study hard for you Mommy and Daddy <3
The other day went for movie <花田喜事> and help his brother to buy camera in S.P
Not bad eh!
Darling laugh the most!
After movie we went back
Tell you!!
the rain and thunder is HORRIBLE!!
So dangerous to drive!
Darling drive me home safely.
But then my home got no electricity =(
13 floor so easy to get thunder strike!
majority of the fuse spoil
water came in from closED window.
imagine how heavy is the rain.
Even the lift itself inside got water -,-
When things turn better...
Went to auntie house for dinner.
Fat hao XD
At the day of 23rd of FEB
Happy Birthday to my Leng zai cousin!
His side view looks like LEE HOM!
Im serious !
should take a picture with his side view look next time ;)
27th of Feb went to meet up with the ECON GANG!!
Went 3 houses to have different event =D
picture will be upload soon...
should be soon XD
28th of Feb
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear cousin!
We have a very memorable childhood time
i always bite u and ur sister XD
play around...
argue around!
hate each other when we were kiddies XD
wish you all the best in tiger year!
ur job getting better and better
obviously higher pay right!!
nyeheh ;)
My dai gor !!
I didn't ask for posing
he did it himself!! XD
the very innocent face this puppy have
this puppy very very cute!
it will go out whenever want to 'pupu' and go back by itself!
smart right!!
just a puppy! is auntie's neighbour's one
but it will dash into my aunt's house everyday XD
So today!!!
Being a freshieee to Monash
First day of uni life...
first day of Business Law lecturer...
First time study in a Audi with so many stranger XD
the lecturer is great!
Is not boring when she giving her lecture and is interesting ;)
admire her!
such a confident and knowledgeable lecturer !!
After 2 hours of lecture
went back straight for my piano lesson.
darling sleep sleep sleep after back from swimming
look at him!
sampat XD
Thats all for the day...
tmr im free day =D
hope I can cope up the uni life as a freshiee there...
and overcome the tough tough thing that I will face sooon!!
Family always the BEST
They will give you the best they can<3
smile a little bit only
smile always ya daddy!!
I know you work so hard..
stress a lot!
worry us so much!
Sometimes is over protected...
Im understand...
Ofcoz I do doubt for sometimes...
But I know you don't want anything bad happen on me by setting those strict 'law'
So thanks ya daddy <3
You work hard for our future I will study hard for you Mommy and Daddy <3
The other day went for movie <花田喜事> and help his brother to buy camera in S.P
Not bad eh!
Darling laugh the most!
After movie we went back
Tell you!!
the rain and thunder is HORRIBLE!!
So dangerous to drive!
Darling drive me home safely.
But then my home got no electricity =(
13 floor so easy to get thunder strike!
majority of the fuse spoil
water came in from closED window.
imagine how heavy is the rain.
Even the lift itself inside got water -,-
When things turn better...
Went to auntie house for dinner.
Fat hao XD
Happy Birthday to my Leng zai cousin!
His side view looks like LEE HOM!
Im serious !
should take a picture with his side view look next time ;)
27th of Feb went to meet up with the ECON GANG!!
Went 3 houses to have different event =D
picture will be upload soon...
should be soon XD
28th of Feb
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear cousin!
We have a very memorable childhood time
i always bite u and ur sister XD
play around...
argue around!
hate each other when we were kiddies XD
wish you all the best in tiger year!
ur job getting better and better
obviously higher pay right!!
nyeheh ;)
My dai gor !!
I didn't ask for posing
he did it himself!! XD
the very innocent face this puppy have
this puppy very very cute!
it will go out whenever want to 'pupu' and go back by itself!
smart right!!
just a puppy! is auntie's neighbour's one
but it will dash into my aunt's house everyday XD
So today!!!
Being a freshieee to Monash
First day of uni life...
first day of Business Law lecturer...
First time study in a Audi with so many stranger XD
the lecturer is great!
Is not boring when she giving her lecture and is interesting ;)
admire her!
such a confident and knowledgeable lecturer !!
After 2 hours of lecture
went back straight for my piano lesson.
darling sleep sleep sleep after back from swimming
look at him!
sampat XD
Thats all for the day...
tmr im free day =D
hope I can cope up the uni life as a freshiee there...
and overcome the tough tough thing that I will face sooon!!