I attended a birthday party at a big big big house.
My 堂舅's son birthday party.
He is 14 this year.
Paiseh...I didnt take a picture wif him
coz first of all the house too big..hard to meet him XD
second is that we not are not close til that I dont really recognize his face XD
Was preparing...sister curi snap c=
nice angle makes me look tall =D
fake one la...real life doesnt look like this XD
end of the result.
simple white top and a short pants.comfortable. =)
the garden
First we have our dinner at basketball court.
Is his house basketball court...
I means the basketball court is in his house!!
he owns it!!
Then there has few small pondok there...
a not so deep pond for the fishy~
foot spa also got @@
one word!
After our yummy dinner....
jeng jeng!
He has an ktv room which has both in and outdoor functions.
It is located beside the swimming pool.
but is fully occupied XD
all strangers there .
no picture to show ><
Another INDOOR ktv room.
Projector function =)
when you lower down the brightness of the light...
you will see stars =)
the kids!
我要 honey honey ( cindy wang ) !!
Dham geng o them =b
Once i take my phone out or camera, he will automatically stand in front of me and pose XD
姐姐! 你帮我拍 多多, 以后我有很多照片 =)
cute le her...
coz when she flip her photo album,she realize she has very little pictures compared to her sister XD
sing and sing...
for like 2++ hours then my active bao bei brother jump here and there and accidentally switch off the ktv's system switch =S
song all gone...
lazy to set up again...
then walk around =)
This catch my attention!
I dont know y the picture become vertical...
look like a fake plants..though..its real
bor&the swimming pool.
can see a dolphin under the pool? nice =)
a big big sofa that you can cover up urself inside =b
only the small lamp beside the pondok helps =)
chit chat awhile and time to get back home.
reach home like 12
get everything done then sleep....
I found out that I can sleep very nice at the night if I have activities on the day time.
this few days Insomnia again =(
dham horrible...
my sister woke up to get ready to school only I fall asleep =S
terrible ant.
punch myself to faint better XD
Thats all for this post =)
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